
I've been trying to start a personal website for quite some time now. The main reason for that is to write about cool but niché things people rarely talk about. My writing skills could use some improvement as well. Finally, I think I've been lacking an appropriate platform to showcase my projects. I mean, GitLab is awesome as-it-is but I feel that people might discover them more easily here.


Recently, I've stumbled upon Haunt which just might be the best static site generator ever! Being written in Guile, it uses a simple, elegant syntax yet it's very robust. Some things it allows you to do are:

A couple of websites that (unsuprisingly) use it are Guix and Guile's official website.

I wanna try it!

In case Haunt is not in your distro's repos you can either build it from source as the official guide suggests or use the Docker image I've created.